Parish Council 2025 Meeting Dates

All meetings start at 7:00pm and unless otherwise stated are held at Lady Elizabeth Hastings School.

Monday 13th January

Thursday 6th February

Monday 10th March

Monday 14th April

Thursday 24th Apri
(Annual Parish Meeting)

Monday 12th May
(Annual Meeting)

Monday 9th June

Monday 14th July

(No Meeting)

Monday 8th September

Monday 13th October

Monday 10th November

Monday 8th December

Members of the Public have a right to attend any meeting and, at the discretion of the council, may be entitled to address the meeting.

If discussion is required on a particular subject, the Clerk should be notified at least one week in advance in order that it may be officially included in the published Agenda.

See the Agendas & Minutes page for information about the meetings.